Bio LC columns

  • Product Part

    20×50 mm (Guard Column) for 227-31098-01 and 227-31098-02


    20×50 mm (Guard Column) for 227-31098-01 and 227-31098-02

  • Product Part

    20×50 mm (Guard Column) for 227-31099-01 and 227-31099-02


    20×50 mm (Guard Column) for 227-31099-01 and 227-31099-02

  • Product Part

    20×50 mm (Guard Column) for 227-31100-01 and 227-31100-02


    20×50 mm (Guard Column) for 227-31100-01 and 227-31100-02

  • Product Part

    With different pore sizes, Shim-pack Bio Diol LC columns are effective for analysis of aggregates and fragments of mAb, oligonucleotides and carbohydrates. By reducing the particle size from 5μm to 2μm, the resolution between aggregates and monomers was greatly improved. Furthermore, by reducing the column length from 300mm to 150mm using a 2μm particle, 50% less run time was achieved, while maintaining resolution as compared to the original method that used a 5μm, 4.6 × 300mm column.


    With different pore sizes, Shim-pack Bio Diol LC columns are effective for analysis of aggregates and fragments of mAb, oligonucleotides and carbohydrates. By reducing the particle size from 5μm to 2μm, the resolution between aggregates and monomers was greatly improved. Furthermore, by reducing the column length from 300mm to 150mm using a 2μm particle, 50% less run time was achieved, while maintaining resolution as compared to the original method that used a 5μm, 4.6 × 300mm column.

  • Product Part

    With different pore sizes, Shim-pack Bio Diol LC columns are effective for analysis of aggregates and fragments of mAb, oligonucleotides and carbohydrates. By reducing the particle size from 5μm to 2μm, the resolution between aggregates and monomers was greatly improved. Furthermore, by reducing the column length from 300mm to 150mm using a 2μm particle, 50% less run time was achieved, while maintaining resolution as compared to the original method that used a 5μm, 4.6 × 300mm column.


    With different pore sizes, Shim-pack Bio Diol LC columns are effective for analysis of aggregates and fragments of mAb, oligonucleotides and carbohydrates. By reducing the particle size from 5μm to 2μm, the resolution between aggregates and monomers was greatly improved. Furthermore, by reducing the column length from 300mm to 150mm using a 2μm particle, 50% less run time was achieved, while maintaining resolution as compared to the original method that used a 5μm, 4.6 × 300mm column.

  • Product Part

    Excellent Seperation Performance of Peptides Typically, in order to obtain good peak shape of peptides under reversed phase chromatography, TFA containing mobile phases are frequently used which the ion pairing effect is relatively strong. However, TFA could cause ion suppression in LC/MS(/MS) analysis. Excellent peak shape and separation performance for peptides could be achieved on the Shim-pack Arata LC column even under formic acid (weak ion paring acid) containing mobile phase conditions, which are suitable for LC/MS(/MS) without the use of typical ion pairing agents. Increased Assurance of Peptide Analysis ~ Shim-pack Arata Peptide C 18 column ~ In order to ensure lot-to-lot reproducibility in peptide analysis, each lot of Shim-pack Arata Peptide C18material is tested using a mixture of peptide standards in addition to the standard Shim-pack Arata C18 lot QCtest. This test is carried out under severe condition using 0.1 % formic acid mobile phase to help ensure consistent column performance for requirements of customers under regulated requirements.use of typical ion pairing agents. Excellent Seperation Performance of Peptides When analyzing peptides on a typical ODS column with 0.1% formic acid mobile phase, not only poor peak shape but also long equilibration time required to obtain stable retention times and area is a common problem. Shim-pack Arata Peptide C18 columns can be rapidly equilibrated even in 0.1% formic acid containing mobile phase, achieving excellent peak shape, stable retention andarea of peptides at the same time. Both columns were new columns (shipping solvent: acetonitrile) and equilibrated with mobile phase without any conditioning. Angiotensin I was analyzed after a certain period of equilibration and retention time, symmetry factor and area of Angiotensin I were compared. The typical ODS showed poor peak symmetry and unstable retention time even after 360 minutes of equilibration. In contrast, Shim-pack Arata peptide C18 already showed stable retention after 30 minutes of equilibration and excellent peak shape was obtained.


    Excellent Seperation Performance of Peptides Typically, in order to obtain good peak shape of peptides under reversed phase chromatography, TFA containing mobile phases are frequently used which the ion pairing effect is relatively strong. However, TFA could cause ion suppression in LC/MS(/MS) analysis. Excellent peak shape and separation performance for peptides could be achieved on the Shim-pack Arata LC column even under formic acid (weak ion paring acid) containing mobile phase conditions, which are suitable for LC/MS(/MS) without the use of typical ion pairing agents. Increased Assurance of Peptide Analysis ~ Shim-pack Arata Peptide C 18 column ~ In order to ensure lot-to-lot reproducibility in peptide analysis, each lot of Shim-pack Arata Peptide C18material is tested using a mixture of peptide standards in addition to the standard Shim-pack Arata C18 lot QCtest. This test is carried out under severe condition using 0.1 % formic acid mobile phase to help ensure consistent column performance for requirements of customers under regulated requirements.use of typical ion pairing agents. Excellent Seperation Performance of Peptides When analyzing peptides on a typical ODS column with 0.1% formic acid mobile phase, not only poor peak shape but also long equilibration time required to obtain stable retention times and area is a common problem. Shim-pack Arata Peptide C18 columns can be rapidly equilibrated even in 0.1% formic acid containing mobile phase, achieving excellent peak shape, stable retention andarea of peptides at the same time. Both columns were new columns (shipping solvent: acetonitrile) and equilibrated with mobile phase without any conditioning. Angiotensin I was analyzed after a certain period of equilibration and retention time, symmetry factor and area of Angiotensin I were compared. The typical ODS showed poor peak symmetry and unstable retention time even after 360 minutes of equilibration. In contrast, Shim-pack Arata peptide C18 already showed stable retention after 30 minutes of equilibration and excellent peak shape was obtained.

  • Product Part

    Excellent Seperation Performance of Peptides Typically, in order to obtain good peak shape of peptides under reversed phase chromatography, TFA containing mobile phases are frequently used which the ion pairing effect is relatively strong. However, TFA could cause ion suppression in LC/MS(/MS) analysis. Excellent peak shape and separation performance for peptides could be achieved on the Shim-pack Arata LC column even under formic acid (weak ion paring acid) containing mobile phase conditions, which are suitable for LC/MS(/MS) without the use of typical ion pairing agents. Increased Assurance of Peptide Analysis ~ Shim-pack Arata Peptide C 18 column ~ In order to ensure lot-to-lot reproducibility in peptide analysis, each lot of Shim-pack Arata Peptide C18material is tested using a mixture of peptide standards in addition to the standard Shim-pack Arata C18 lot QCtest. This test is carried out under severe condition using 0.1 % formic acid mobile phase to help ensure consistent column performance for requirements of customers under regulated requirements.use of typical ion pairing agents. Excellent Seperation Performance of Peptides When analyzing peptides on a typical ODS column with 0.1% formic acid mobile phase, not only poor peak shape but also long equilibration time required to obtain stable retention times and area is a common problem. Shim-pack Arata Peptide C18 columns can be rapidly equilibrated even in 0.1% formic acid containing mobile phase, achieving excellent peak shape, stable retention andarea of peptides at the same time. Both columns were new columns (shipping solvent: acetonitrile) and equilibrated with mobile phase without any conditioning. Angiotensin I was analyzed after a certain period of equilibration and retention time, symmetry factor and area of Angiotensin I were compared. The typical ODS showed poor peak symmetry and unstable retention time even after 360 minutes of equilibration. In contrast, Shim-pack Arata peptide C18 already showed stable retention after 30 minutes of equilibration and excellent peak shape was obtained.


    Excellent Seperation Performance of Peptides Typically, in order to obtain good peak shape of peptides under reversed phase chromatography, TFA containing mobile phases are frequently used which the ion pairing effect is relatively strong. However, TFA could cause ion suppression in LC/MS(/MS) analysis. Excellent peak shape and separation performance for peptides could be achieved on the Shim-pack Arata LC column even under formic acid (weak ion paring acid) containing mobile phase conditions, which are suitable for LC/MS(/MS) without the use of typical ion pairing agents. Increased Assurance of Peptide Analysis ~ Shim-pack Arata Peptide C 18 column ~ In order to ensure lot-to-lot reproducibility in peptide analysis, each lot of Shim-pack Arata Peptide C18material is tested using a mixture of peptide standards in addition to the standard Shim-pack Arata C18 lot QCtest. This test is carried out under severe condition using 0.1 % formic acid mobile phase to help ensure consistent column performance for requirements of customers under regulated requirements.use of typical ion pairing agents. Excellent Seperation Performance of Peptides When analyzing peptides on a typical ODS column with 0.1% formic acid mobile phase, not only poor peak shape but also long equilibration time required to obtain stable retention times and area is a common problem. Shim-pack Arata Peptide C18 columns can be rapidly equilibrated even in 0.1% formic acid containing mobile phase, achieving excellent peak shape, stable retention andarea of peptides at the same time. Both columns were new columns (shipping solvent: acetonitrile) and equilibrated with mobile phase without any conditioning. Angiotensin I was analyzed after a certain period of equilibration and retention time, symmetry factor and area of Angiotensin I were compared. The typical ODS showed poor peak symmetry and unstable retention time even after 360 minutes of equilibration. In contrast, Shim-pack Arata peptide C18 already showed stable retention after 30 minutes of equilibration and excellent peak shape was obtained.

  • Product Part

    Excellent Seperation Performance of Peptides Typically, in order to obtain good peak shape of peptides under reversed phase chromatography, TFA containing mobile phases are frequently used which the ion pairing effect is relatively strong. However, TFA could cause ion suppression in LC/MS(/MS) analysis. Excellent peak shape and separation performance for peptides could be achieved on the Shim-pack Arata LC column even under formic acid (weak ion paring acid) containing mobile phase conditions, which are suitable for LC/MS(/MS) without the use of typical ion pairing agents. Increased Assurance of Peptide Analysis ~ Shim-pack Arata Peptide C 18 column ~ In order to ensure lot-to-lot reproducibility in peptide analysis, each lot of Shim-pack Arata Peptide C18material is tested using a mixture of peptide standards in addition to the standard Shim-pack Arata C18 lot QCtest. This test is carried out under severe condition using 0.1 % formic acid mobile phase to help ensure consistent column performance for requirements of customers under regulated requirements.use of typical ion pairing agents. Excellent Seperation Performance of Peptides When analyzing peptides on a typical ODS column with 0.1% formic acid mobile phase, not only poor peak shape but also long equilibration time required to obtain stable retention times and area is a common problem. Shim-pack Arata Peptide C18 columns can be rapidly equilibrated even in 0.1% formic acid containing mobile phase, achieving excellent peak shape, stable retention andarea of peptides at the same time. Both columns were new columns (shipping solvent: acetonitrile) and equilibrated with mobile phase without any conditioning. Angiotensin I was analyzed after a certain period of equilibration and retention time, symmetry factor and area of Angiotensin I were compared. The typical ODS showed poor peak symmetry and unstable retention time even after 360 minutes of equilibration. In contrast, Shim-pack Arata peptide C18 already showed stable retention after 30 minutes of equilibration and excellent peak shape was obtained.


    Excellent Seperation Performance of Peptides Typically, in order to obtain good peak shape of peptides under reversed phase chromatography, TFA containing mobile phases are frequently used which the ion pairing effect is relatively strong. However, TFA could cause ion suppression in LC/MS(/MS) analysis. Excellent peak shape and separation performance for peptides could be achieved on the Shim-pack Arata LC column even under formic acid (weak ion paring acid) containing mobile phase conditions, which are suitable for LC/MS(/MS) without the use of typical ion pairing agents. Increased Assurance of Peptide Analysis ~ Shim-pack Arata Peptide C 18 column ~ In order to ensure lot-to-lot reproducibility in peptide analysis, each lot of Shim-pack Arata Peptide C18material is tested using a mixture of peptide standards in addition to the standard Shim-pack Arata C18 lot QCtest. This test is carried out under severe condition using 0.1 % formic acid mobile phase to help ensure consistent column performance for requirements of customers under regulated requirements.use of typical ion pairing agents. Excellent Seperation Performance of Peptides When analyzing peptides on a typical ODS column with 0.1% formic acid mobile phase, not only poor peak shape but also long equilibration time required to obtain stable retention times and area is a common problem. Shim-pack Arata Peptide C18 columns can be rapidly equilibrated even in 0.1% formic acid containing mobile phase, achieving excellent peak shape, stable retention andarea of peptides at the same time. Both columns were new columns (shipping solvent: acetonitrile) and equilibrated with mobile phase without any conditioning. Angiotensin I was analyzed after a certain period of equilibration and retention time, symmetry factor and area of Angiotensin I were compared. The typical ODS showed poor peak symmetry and unstable retention time even after 360 minutes of equilibration. In contrast, Shim-pack Arata peptide C18 already showed stable retention after 30 minutes of equilibration and excellent peak shape was obtained.

  • Product Part

    Validation Kit consists of three columns packed with three different batches of sorbent. 


    Validation Kit consists of three columns packed with three different batches of sorbent. 

  • Product Part

    Validation Kit consists of three columns packed with three different batches of sorbent. 


    Validation Kit consists of three columns packed with three different batches of sorbent.