Fuelling a Sustainable Future: Solutions For Biofuels Analysis

The session will deliver a comprehensive guide to the analysis of various biofuels, including biogas, biodiesel, and bioethanol, providing valuable insights that you need to understand this much discussed topic.

With the goal towards net zero emissions by 2050, the global urgency to find cleaner energy alternatives has never been more pressing, although the world is only at its initial stages of transitioning away from fossil fuels.

In the push for sustainable renewable energy, bioenergy stands out as a promising solution, demonstrated by its status as the largest source of renewable energy worldwide. Biofuels, derived from biomass, uniquely distinguish themselves as the only renewable energy source that can be directly used in the transport sector. This capability allows biofuels to overcome traditional barriers, enter the market quickly, and drive accelerated change towards clean energy. Biofuels hold significant potential to decarbonize hard-to-electrify sectors, such as aviation and shipping.

While 1st generation biofuels raise concerns about compromising food security in the food vs. fuel debate, advanced biofuels derived from non-food sources—including 2nd generation biofuels from agricultural waste and woody biomass, and 3rd generation biofuels from algae biomass—present a viable path to fuel a sustainable future.

The session will deliver a comprehensive guide to the analysis of various biofuels, including biogas, biodiesel, and bioethanol, providing valuable insights that you need to understand this much discussed topic.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the importance of biofuels as a sustainable energy source and their potential impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on fossil fuels
  • Learn about the different types of biofuels, their production processes, and the challenges associated with their analysis and quality control
  • Understand the importance of quality control and assurance in biofuel production, including sampling techniques, calibration, and validation of analytical methods
  • Develop an understanding of the role of biofuel analysis in supporting the transition to a sustainable future and the contribution it can make towards achieving global energy and environmental goals